On 10/14/05, Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Le 13 oct. 05, à 23:41, Pier Fumagalli a écrit :
> > ...Regarding the bugs themselves, I can write a simple script closing
> > all moved bugs with a link to the new bug in Jira as a comment (of
> > course, after the data-transfer is complete)..
> Sounds good, and combined with the "search by bugzilla issue ID" that
> Jeff Turner mentioned, we'll be fine.

Following this thread, I wonder if if might not work well to combine
the move to Jira with the so called "bug amnesty"?  You'd e-mail
everyone with an open bug that it was being moved to the new system
and if they where still interested in it they should re-open it in the
new system.  You'd have to give them the link or number to find it in
the new system, but by re-opening it you'd get what ever e-mail was
given on the re-opened bug (force them to enter one perhaps?) and the
users would have the new number (and be exposed to the new system).
One mass e-mailing (for conversion and amnesty) instead of two (one
for conversion and one for amnesty).

BTW personally; "bug amnesty" sounds strange, I don't think it really
conveys what you are trying to achieve...

Peter Hunsberger

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