hepabolu wrote:
Arje Cahn wrote:

Yes, create a doc typoe, add a few relevant fields (including one of tags.

Helma, do you know how to do this? If you add the type, I'll start converting the sites..


I created a CocoonLiveSiteDocument (check spelling!) with a simple content part and a Metadata part that should behave like the Book Metadata part. However, it doesn't. I suppose Bruno has added some extra processing underneath that I should have a look into, but somehow I can't get onto the server to have a look.

So for now there is not much else I can do.

<thinking out loud>
I think, to make things future-proof, we need a flexible metadata part, much like the bookmetadata part, where metadata key/value pairs can be added, rather than a set number of fields which accommodate for the current distinctions (category and version).

The approach I use here for our documentation system is to have a multi-valued field that any user can use to tag a document. I also have a set of collections that are the "official" classifications.

Using this you can have categorisation by tag (which can get quite messy of course) and then a categoriasation by collection (which is well structured).

Periodically, we review common tags and verify that we have a suitable collection for that tag and that all documents are in the right collections according to their tags.

If you think otherwise, I'd be happy to create two fields, one with a selection list for the versions and one with a selection list for the categories.

Do you mean Cocoon version? Should this be a document variant? So you would have a single live sites document, with X variants, one for each major version.


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