Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
The current structure with trunk/tags/branches under each block will become rather unconvenient as soon as we start to relase and tag things.

Right now you can just check out svn:/cocoon/blocks without any problems, but with a number of tags for each blocks you soon get quite a lot to check out, then you either need to check out each blocks/<name>/trunk separately or we have to provide a directory with externals to each block trunk. But that was extremely slow when we tried that a while ago.

Read the links in http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=112790057318179&w=2 for description of a better way to solve it.

I agree with your proposal.
When I had choose a layout during converting our CVS repository to Subversion I tried hard to find the layout which best fits our needs.

The most significant argument was, that if you choose the layout with trunk/tags/branches below every module you have to rename the directory every time you do a checkout (e.g. .../cocoon/trunk has to be checked out as cocoon). You don't have the convention anymore that checked-out directory names are identical with the ones in the repository.

If you do it the other way round (.../trunk/cocoon) your life is much easier (simply 'Checkout as Project' works again in Eclipse ;-).

Additionally you gain another benefit:
If you want to release multiple modules together you can put the tags for multiple modules under .../tags/<tagname>/<modulename>. This is not (easily) possible, if every module has it's own trunk/tags/branches directory.

Some (badly) written build scripts in other projects even depend on the correct directory name of their submodules...


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