黄 海冬 wrote:
> Hi,all
> I try to combine portal+form(with ajax) in 2.1.8 rc1,all is fine but
> one problem,I don't know if is a bug,and just show my step here:


> Now I run the server and enter portal block sample,it works fine only
> when finally I click "ok" button.
> If it is not a ajax form or run the form seperatly,I should see the
> result information,but now I see the form restart.
> I check the aceess log and add some debug code in js file,the
> flowscript did't run after
> form.showForm("datasource_chooser-display-pipeline.jx");
> and the seperate form sample will run continue twice when I click "ok"
> but only once under this condition.
> I guess the ajax code missing one click to make showForm complete in
> this situation,so it may be a bug.

Well, my colleagues that succeeded in using CForms+Ajax in the portal
told me this is much more complicated than that, and I shamely admit
that I haven't understood their explanations.

So it's not really a bug: the CForms+Ajax coplets must be written in a
very special way. I'll try to have a better answer tomorrow, as we're
here past the work hours now.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
http://people.apache.org/~sylvain     http://www.anyware-tech.com
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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