Andreas Hochsteger wrote:
Hi Sylvain and other AJAX gurus ;-)

I wonder, if you heard of Taconite [1] which seems to have released 1.0 recently? It is licensed under the Apache License, but I don't know, if it does what we need.

It merely handles posting a form and inserting Ajax resquest results into the page. And it does that in a very strange way: to import the Ajax result in the page document, it dynamically builds some JavaScript code that recreate the element hierarchy. Why don't they simply use regular DOM calls as we do in CForms, I don't know.

Additionally to the list of AJAX libraries already posted [2] I found an other one in [3].
But unfortunately Taconite isn't mentioned in both lists.

The current problem is that every day a new Ajax framework is announced, and most often, it's a dozen lines of JavaScript which defines yet another wrapper around XmlHttpRequest.

If we choose to use an external library, this should be something serious that brings more than that, and is not a one man show that will be dead tomorrow.

The framework that currently satisfies these constraints is the Dojo toolkit. It is packed with impressive features, is developped by a community that functions very much like Apache and has an Apache-compatible licence.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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