Daniel Boesswetter <daniel <at> daniel-boesswetter.de> writes:

> I'm sure this has been discussed before, but since I didn't find a 
> solution, I've built my own. My problem is, that I need to POST 
> XML-documents somewhere out of Cocoon and receive the resulting document 
> (e.g. for takling to an eXist database because there are currently known 
> bugs with their Cocoon integration and for integrating an XML-RPC based 
> ERP system on the other hand).

Some time ago, I described a solution in
http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/StreamGenerator, which I have in fact used to
talk to an eXist server.
Unfortunately, a bug was introduced in Cocoon 2.1.6
(http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-1365), for which there is a patch,
but this has not been applied to the Cocoon sources.
(Actually, the bug was there before, but it showed because of a change in 
Recently, I added a comment (to Bugzilla, as Jira appeared to be broken from
where I was working), asking one of the committers to apply the (very simple)

So here is again a request for one of the committers to please apply this patch.
I have several Cocoon applications which depend on the correct handling of POST
requests with parameters by cinclude, and I would appreciate if my "list of
patches to apply to a new version of Cocoon" could become a bit shorter.

Best regards,
Nico Verwer

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