Ross Gardler wrote:
> Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> >Ross Gardler wrote:
> >>Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> >>
> >>>Forgot to add... Can we loose page toc which now appears within left 
> >>>navigation bar? I'm not sure we should have it there, it certainly 
> >>>looks strange...
> >>
> >>It was moved there as a test, come people like it in the body, come in 
> >>the page menu, some not at all.
> >>
> >>It is easy to move/remove (a setting in skinconf.xml in the 
> >>daisy-to-docs module) - the question is where do we want it (or do we 
> >>want to remove it).
> >
> >I am in "remove it completely" camp...
> On the Cocoon site, I am too, lets leave it for a while with the new 
> subject line and see if anyone objects to us removing it completely.

As i said earlier in this thread, i prefer the ToC in the
top of the page body (probably listing only one level).
I definitely do not like it in the side-panel menu.
But really i don't care if others want it gone completely.


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