Le 16 nov. 05, à 16:47, hepabolu a écrit :

...When's the next rebuild on the cocoon.zones due..

The current schedule is (crontab of user cdemos):

# restart the release demo
12 3,15 * * * date ; /home/config/cocoon.zone/cdemos/cocoondemo.sh start release 2>&1 > /home/cdemos/demos/release/logs/crontab.log

# restart the 21branch demo
32 3,15 * * * date ; /home/config/cocoon.zone/cdemos/cocoondemo.sh start 21branch 2>&1 > /home/cdemos/demos/21branch/logs/crontab.log

# restart the trunk demo
52 3,15 * * * date ; /home/config/cocoon.zone/cdemos/cocoondemo.sh start trunk 2>&1 > /home/cdemos/demos/trunk/logs/crontab.log

So the trunk build just started at 15:52 UTC.
From what I've seen, It can take aynwhere from 3 to 20 minutes depending on total system load, as the zone runs on shared hardware.


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