Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Do you really want to add such an additional feature to 2.1 branch? If we already have one (like Ugo's Guilder) we shall go with that one. But I would not add anything new like an installer based on IzPack.


IzPack has been under my radar for a long time as a cool thing, and its licence change to the ASL made me consider it would be worth mentioning it here.

Now I certainly don't want to start a "my installer is better than yours" or "maven or nothing" debate.

So forget it!


I disagree. This is a do-ocracy. If someone implements an installer we can evaluate whether it is any good or not. If they choose to use IzPack or Guilder or whatever that is their choice. Anything else would be a little bit like me telling you that you should use some Javscript library instead of Dojo.


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