Jorg Heymans wrote:

> BURGHARD Éric wrote:
>> Perhaps it could be usefull for you, so you can find the sources on a svn
>> repository (the server is not always online: no-ip rulez :-)
> I'll have a look at this, thanks!

I've just realized that a .groovy can be compiled directly in a .class and
that a javadoc parser (qdox) can work on a .groovy directly if you take
care of the syntax before important javadocs annotations.

So i've commited a native groovy plugin archetype [1].

I've added a maven-plugin-tools-javalike [2] which can construct a
plugin.xml directly from .groovy and .java files and a maven-groovyc-plugin
[3] which compile all the .groovy presents in your the SourceRoots of the

I didn't manage to find a way to add the maven-plugin-tools-javalike as a
dependency of the install phase, so you need to edit
$M2_REPO/maven-plugin-plugin/2.0/maven-plugin-plugin-2.0.pom and replace
maven-plugin-tools-java by maven-plugin-tools-javalike. Otherwise the
plugin.xml will not be correctly generated during install phase (as it is
however with a mvn plugin:descriptor. strange. any idea ?)

maven-groovyc-plugin is itself a compiled groovy plugin. It's a good example
since it use parameters and reuse the groovyc and mkdir anttasks in 2
lignes. To construct it from sources, you need to compile the .groovy by
hand (bootstrap) or retrieve a .jar from my local repository [4].

Thanks a lot for the coocon webapp archetype. I'll try that very soon.



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