Berin Loritsch wrote:

Ralph Goers wrote:

None of these. I have a vision where the business services are implemented in Java, the web application is defined in a stateful flow controller (xml config) and the views are generated using pipelines with standard components. So my answer is - No programming language on the server, just configuration.


That could be a nice add on to Cocoon. Perhaps a BPL (Business Process Language, an XML standard for what you are talking about) application.

I would argue that what you are talking about is a domain specific language in the guise of configuration (just like your hibernate descriptors and ant scripts).

I'm just talking about using Spring Webflow being called from a JavaFlow class. For my employer I have already written a generic (Cocoon) action that can call any business service that is configured, as long as the business service follows some simple rules about its input and output. Converting that to a Webflow action shouldn't be too much trouble.


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