Though I am not a dev guy, I can't resist to vote, too. IMHO a mix makes no sense. Too make a long story short I made struggled my way into cocoon with -first writing custom actions as I was not aware that I should use flow instead
-then switching to flow using JavaScript
-and finally port everything to JavaFlow

JavaFlow is a really nice thing, as some of you have written before, everything is in one IDE, it's much easier too integrate the backend classes, and though most people in the web area know something about javascript, almost nobody really masters javascript. It's easier to debug, document with javadoc, and it's compiled and typesafe.

Second argument: It was hard to explain, why I kicked struts out, and used cocoon instead. And it was even harder to explain that there is JavaScript in the server part. Managers who buy oracle don't like to hear things like this...

Last comment: Though this is not the question in this poll, I would even kick out the pipeline xml stuff. XML was not designed to be "procedural", basically it's a markup language, which focuses on data exchange.

On a recent open source talk in vienna a committer from RoR was joking about the java frameworks and their tons of configuration and even worse "flow" description files. Though the RoR approach goes a bit too far for a compiled language like java, I do believe it makes sense to stick to the language choosen.

So, please :-), only one language, and as cocoon (or whatever it's name will be :-) ) is a J2EE framework: _Java_

Sorry for the interference :-), regards,

Berin Loritsch wrote:
What's your preference for the vision?

[ ] All web apps written in JavaScript
[x] All web apps written in pure Java
[ ] Mix and match (not as simple, but is status quo with today)

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