
reading the threads on Cocoon NG (Cocoon X? ;-) ) I get the feeling that, although much is said, you're more or less running around the heart of the matter without actually getting there. So maybe this little exercise might help:

What should be the first functionality of Cocoon NG if you are allowed to work on it only once and have to leave it in a useable state?

More elaborate: you have a reasonable but short period of time to start with a clean slate. You can either start from scratch or haul in existing stuff from Cocoon 2.X. You should deliver something useful, i.e. solid, functional software, even if you will never be able to revisit this project again. Yet it should be flexible/well-designed enough to be extended/expanded should there be time and resources.

Extra constraint: it should be compatible with Cocoon 2.X, either through backward compatibility or through a well-defined conversion process. If not, it should be documented why this is still useful.

If all this applies, what is it that Cocoon NG does?

Bye, Helma

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