Upayavira wrote:

Matthew Langham wrote:
I really think the current discussions on CocoonReloaded could do with some
higher bandwidth talks to formulate a first "plan". How many Cocoonites will
be at ApacheCon and could perhaps get together? I won't be there but Carsten
is (for example).

I don't think you'll be able to stop us!

Discussing the "plan" via various email-threads doesn't seem to me to be
that effective - at this initial stage - and could eventually lead to
everyone giving up in frustration.

But at the same time we don't want to leave out thase that are not there.

Right. I won't be able to make it this time, but I'm making plans for the one in the Spring. (We'll see how that goes, we're spending alot of money on our 10th aniversary so I may have to delay until next winter)

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