dave- wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Mark Lowe wrote:

Nice charts.. They assume that the same folk that are there at the
start of the start line are the same folk that are end or even perhaps
middle. Despite having a lot of respect for stefano's achievements and
the contribution that cocoon has made, I think the graphs are wrong,
or at least fail to account for iterations of staff turnover.

Hmmm, this is a very valid point, I'll have to think about it some more. Hmm...

IMHO, it does not matter whether the graphs are right or wrong, I think the web 2..0 movement has transcended the issue in any case.

Model Based Architectures and Graphical interfaces have allowed far less technical people access to complex environments. I think, although I am not absolutely positive, that a java/pipeline/sitemap is a better base than perl/python upon which to build such systems. It is for that reason I posted the following 2 visions in another thread:

As a first vision, I would like to see cocoon accessible to less technical people. This could be done with elegant simplicity and a graphical interface. Here is a good web 2.0 example http://www.activegrid.com/what/applicationbuilder.php.

As a second vision, artifacts created by the graphical interface along with any written code could become the model from which alternative implementation systems might be generated. For example, a model POJO could be implementationally persisted in various ways. dave-

Should not be this more a Lepido[1] concern?

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

[1] http://www.eclipse.org/lepido/

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