Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> Guys, remember the real-blocks container story? Two reasons led to the 
> choice of OSGi: there are existing implementations, and it stopped the 
> endless discussions about what the container API should be.
> We have exactly the same here. "why not this or that" and "I don't need 
> it but you can implement it" lead nowhere. NIH syndrome at work. 
> Cocoon's goal is not about containers, but about components. Cocoon was 
> one of the first component-oriented frameworks, but times have changed!
Yes, so why not throwing ECM++ away and use an existing container? We
can provide an Avalon compatibility bridge for nearly any existing
container. I don't want to build an own container in Cocoon, but
currently using an existing one for the core has been veto'd several
times, so we have to stick with ECM++. But making this more useful is
also veto'd. Hmm. And as we can't come up with a good solution (being it
using an existing container or improving our own), we simply tell the
users to use whatever they think is right - as we don't know it.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG