Jorg Heymans wrote:
> Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
>>Just a nitpick, I noticed that your howto includes the zone password of
>>the maven user, not sure if this is a good idea.
>>Of course the howto is accessible to ASF committers only, but that's a
>>thousand people...until now we've used "su" to access the various users
>>on the zone, it might be safer.

Actually, Cocoon PMC members have write access, ASF members read access.
So 200 people!

>>Alternatively, we can also copy people's ssh keys to ~maven/.ssh to
>>allow them to login. But I don't like having cleartext passwords in SVN.
> I wasn't too sure about this myself actually, but you're right ofcourse.
>  So I tried changing the password from the maven account but i get
> -bash-3.00$ whoami
> maven
> -bash-3.00$ passwd
> passwd: Changing password for jheymans
> Permission denied
> No idea what's going on there.

You need to use:
 su - maven
If you're logging in as yourself first. Then you can try:
 passwd maven

> Now when Upayavira first created the maven account i tried putting my
> ssh key in .ssh/authorized_keys2 but for some reason it doesn't like it
> during authentication. I have the exact same setup for my user jheymans
> on the zone and there it works. If someone could take a look at this and
> make key authentication work that would be great.

Dunno about this. Need someone else to help here.

Regards, Upayaviria