Giacomo Pati wrote:

Ok, seems like we need a structured proposal :-)

1. All files needed at deployment time should go into META-INF
   - block.xml
   - block.xconf
   - xconf/*.xconf (includes? do we need more that one .xconf for a
   - block.xlog (if we do have logging support)
   - block.xweb (if we need to patch the web.xml; If we need to have
     directives to the servlet container for i.e. security policies,
     additional mime-types this won't work here if we have hot
     deployment of blocks)
   - what else?

hmmm, AFAIU only block.xml and block.xweb are needed at deployment time but I don't have a problem if all those files go into META-INF. The only concern I have is, as said in some other mail, that we have different meanings how relative paths are resolved:

<servlet class="o.a.c.s.SitemapServlet">


<components class="o.a.c....">

Do you see what I mean?

An alternative could be:

<servlet class="o.a.c.s.SitemapServlet">


<components class="o.a.c....">

hmmm, WDOT?

2. All file that were NOT supposed to be accessed as normal classloader
   resource (the webapp stuff) go into COB-INF
   - sitemap.xmap
   - **/*.xsl
   - **/*.xml
   - **/*.css
   - and many more


3. The rest are normal classloader resources and belongs to the root
   - **/*.class
   - **/*.properties
   - **/*.xml (i.e. internal config file)
   - I'm sure there are more


Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}



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