Giacomo Pati wrote:

I hope that I can provide a first useable version of the deployer-maven-plugin by the end of the week so that you (and others) can try it out and that we find a balance between what should be configureable and what not, which and how many configuration files we want, what they actually configure and how they relate to each other.

Ahem.. I was working on the plugin for the simple-deploy goal. Are we stepping on each others toes?

yep ;-)

I send you my initial implementation in a separate mail. Maybe you can check in your changes by tommorrow morning so that I can have a look at it tommorrow.

What is the <cocoon> element in the block-deploy.xml for and how should the simple-deploy goal satisfy that.

Well, the Cocoon element is in flux. My goal is that it contains

 - the target location (Where is Cocoon installed?)
 - a webapp skeleton - at least a web.xml we need
   in the case of cocoon:dev-deploy
 - a version as deployment could change in the future (to be future-safe)
 - does deployment remove all existing blocks (attribute "exclusive")

Currently the skeleton attribute is missing and needs to be added to the schema. The content is something like "org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-webapp-skeleton:1.0" and can be resolved by the ArtifactFactory/Resolver of Maven.


Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}



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