Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
The functionality seem useful, but I don't think that it should be implemented as an attribute. An attribute template language would be cool, but, for JXTG, I think that all instructions should be elements. Mixing element and attribute instructions makes the template language confusing IMO.
we already have <root jx:cache-key=""/>

Thing is jx:strip-whitespace is not really an instruction. It's more like a processing directive. With <jx:strip-whitespace/> being a tag the syntax is awful:

<xyz jx:strip-whitespace="true">
<nested-tag jx:strip-whitespace="false"> ${abc.description} </nested-tag>


<nested-tag><jx:preserve-whitespace> ${abc.description}

Recursive space stripping is also very useful when do you not generate html output but use jxtg to generate views for a self made client (not web browser).

From architectural stand point I would prefer letting the strip whitespace element just work on its immediate children. Striping whitespace recursively means that we need to make the Template architecture more complicated and less reusable, I'm not convinced that it would be worthwhile.

The architectural issues are to be discussed further but I do not think that this functionality will impact jxtg core much.

There are lots of comments from users (mainly using jx-macros for cforms) that whitespace is problematic. So I think it's worthwhile.

Leszek Gawron                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IT Manager                                         MobileBox sp. z o.o.
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