On Friday 20 January 2006 01:22, Ralph Goers wrote:
> Joerg Heinicke wrote:
> > On 19.01.2006 19:01, Tilman Rassy wrote:
> >> Our XSL stylesheets usually include other stylesheets. As far as I
> >> know, the caching mechanism takes this into account. May the problem
> >> have something to do with that?
> Are you including the other stylesheets using a cocoon pipeline as the url?

Yes. The include URL use the "cocoon:" pseudo-protocol. The URL points to a 
pipeline that takes a stylesheet from a database, does some transformation, 
and seralizes it.

If you are interested in more detailes on my problem (of corse I hope you 
are ;-), please see my reply to the mail from Ralph Goers. You will also find 
an excerpt from the logs there.

Best regards,
Tilman Rassy