Ugo Cei wrote:
Our docs [1] state that something like:

 <jx:forEach var="${var}"
         items="${java.util.StringTokenizer(items, delims)}">

should work. However, that doesn't seem to be the case, at least in 2.1.8 while it apparently worked before. I did a few more tests and discovered that even simple cases like ${java.util.Date()} produce no output and no error message. This even if I put "Packages." in front of the package name. Is this a bug or what?

You can only call methods on existing objects. I had to use a static method (only callable using JXPath!) as a workaround in the CForms macros:

<jx:set var="cformsHelper" value="#{org.apache.cocoon.forms.generation.JXMacrosHelper.createHelper($cocoon/consumer,$cocoon/request,$cocoon/parameters/locale)}"/>


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies           
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director