
I already posted this on the Users list but I could not find a solution yet:
You can find a short description about the use case below.

Is it possible to translate an XML file using multiple catalogs at once?

The reason is, that we have many messages which are common to all of our
forms and other messages which are specific to them.
I know it is possible with the i18n:catalogue attribute, but this means,
that I cannot move messages easily from the form-specific messages file to
the common catalogue, without changing all the keys.

The second question is, how can I choose a catalogue for translation,
depending on the URI, without having to register the catalogue for every
form in the sitemap?
This would move the maintainance problem from the single, huge catalog file
to the sitemap, since it should be kept generic.

Thanks for any hint in advance,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hochsteger Andreas (OI&T V) 
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:20 AM
> To: 'users@cocoon.apache.org'
> Subject: RE: Sitemap/Input Module & i18n guru req.
> Hi,
> this sounds roughly like something we are looking for ...
> We have many forms (50+) where the files (definition, 
> template, binding,
> ...) of each one is located in its own directory.
> The only exception are the i18n messages which are currently 
> located in a
> big file holding the messages for all forms.
> This is not only hard to maintain, it may also be a performance and/or
> memory problem ...
> Is it possible to split the message file up into multiple 
> files, each one
> located in the directory of the respective form and select 
> the catalog at
> runtime depending on the url (which ends exactly with the 
> directory name
> after the last slash)?
> Is it also possible to do this, without listing the catalog 
> files for every
> form in the sitemap?
> Additionally, how do I manage i18n keys, which are used by 
> multiple (nearly
> all) forms without duplicating them in each message file?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ard Schrijvers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:01 PM
> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Sitemap/Input Module & i18n guru req.
> Hello Rob, I am not very sure but I think you can do it very 
> easily in your
> transformation like:
> <map:match pattern="foo/bar/*">
>     <map:generate .....som stuff
>     <map:transform ....
>     <map:transform type="i18n">
>         <map:paramter name="default-catalogue-id" value="i18n/{1}"/>
>     </map:transform>
> </map:match>
> You can override the default components settings in the 
> transform itself. 
> AS
> Hello Cocoon Supporter; o)
> I have a problem with i18n support within Cocoon but suspect 
> the issue can
> be resolved via the sitemap (which is so flexible) and as 
> such the question
> is more of an 'InputModule' usage than a problem with i18n...
> Basically the i18n support within Cocoon is perfect with the 
> one exception
> of the location of the translation files being hard coded as follows:-
>       <map:transformer name="i18n"
>         src="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.I18nTransformer">
>         <catalogues default="mymessages">
>           <catalogue id="mymessages" name="messages" location="i18n"/>
>           <catalogue id="mymessages" name="messages"
> location="i18n/alternate"/>        </catalogues>
>         <cache-at-startup>true</cache-at-startup>
>       </map:transformer>
> I need to replace the hardcoded location to be dynamic 
> depending on the
> requested URI
> For example if the requested uri is rob100_mypage I would need to
> dynamically change the location to be 
> Location="I18n/rob100"  i.e. I need to substring the first 6 
> characters of
> the URI and search this location for i18n catalogues. I presume input
> modules can be specified in the transformer declaration but 
> I'm not sure how
> to substring the results of the {request:} inputmodule.
> Any help much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Rob
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