hepabolu wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

hepabolu wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

2) are there any web designers here willing to work on the skin (you
don't need to learn how to get it into Forrest at first, just provide
CSS patches and I'll integrate with Forrest for you - you'll quickly see
how it is done)


If you could provide me the end result (i.e. some HTML pages and the resources like images and CSS), I'll give it a go.

I've worked out something. It is visible here: http://web.inter.nl.net/users/hepabolu/cocoondocsskin/index.html

This looks really nice. When you have received feedback and are ready send me the updated files and I'll put it into a theme for Forrest so that we can generate the Cocoon docs on the staging server using them and try and get wider comment from the list.

Some remarks:

- I can't make up my mind whether the search box should be at the top of the nav menu (directly visible and at hand) or at the end (gives a nice closure to the menu), so both versions of the samples have it at different locations.

At the end looks better, but with a long menu will disappear of the screen.

- I added some extra HTML to make the accessibility easier and the unstyled version clearer.

Hmmm... depends on exactly what you have done.

We have a great deal of control over the structural elements of the page (<div...> etc.) and over the decorations of the page (navigation for example) but very little control over the HTML used in the content since that is managed by Daisy.

- I removed all nested <a href> tags. This seems like a bug: almost all links were added twice, one nested in the other.

Interesting, we (Forrest) recently had a report of a strange bug that related to duplicate anchors. I'll have to look into this, I agree it is a bug.

- XHTML 1.0 Strict doesn't allow '+' in the anchor names, at least according to Tidy. I've changed them to underscores.

Depends on what these anchor names are, if they are manually entered into the src docs then it is editor error on the part of the sample files used to generate this sample site. If they are auto generated by Forrest we can, of course change this. I'll have to check with the Forrest devs on why we use a '+'

- I've split the CSS files in layout, nav and "the rest". This way it is easier to focus on layout only and nav only. They are imported in the "coat.css" file, so there is still only one CSS file to include.

I see no problem with Forrest respecting this.
