Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote:
> * David Crossley:
> > I think that it is a core facility that is often needed.  Why do
> > you want to  be rid of it? There is not  really any overhead, is
> > there.
> Nonono,  don't worry  I  don't  want to  get  rid  of the  catalog
> resolving facility.   Just greatly  reduce the  amount of  mess in
> this directory.
> Thanks for your comments.  However,  except for the comment in the
> README file, the catalog-demo and  document*.dtd, there is still a
> lot of things,  like open-office, w3c and  docbook-simple.  Who is
> using them?

There is no way to know.

Doing 'svn log' shows info about the reasons that
some of them were added.

People might also be using the document*.dtd to run
their own documentation site via Cocoon. Just because
we removed our documentation webapp does not mean that
other people don't use that ability.

I suppose that we could leave this stuff untouched
in 2.1 and in 2.2 remove all but a few core examples
which show how to configure their own resources.

That makes it easier maintenance for us, but more
difficult for users.

Is a comment (and a link to docs) in the status.xml
sufficient to notify about such a change? 
