David Crossley wrote:
> Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> > David Crossley wrote:
> > >Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> > >  
> > >>We already have this at http://cocoon.apache.org/devinfo/index.html
> > >
> > >The condition is to display their logo. We are not doing that yet.
> > 
> > Hey, that wasn't asked for back in May! Putting some ads on our website 
> > requires a vote IMO.
> It is a discreet logo. Not the big one shown at
> http://directory.apache.org/thanks.html
> but comparable to the JetBrains one above it.
> Better get that happening now then. Could someone
> else take care of that please. I am going away for
> a few days.

I contacted the YourKit people to see if having no logo
is suitable. They are back to me now after their holidays
and yes that is fine in this case.

Anyway the point is moot because no Cocoon developers
have said that they want an opensource license. If you do,
then please hurry as i am not going to send individual
license requests.


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