On Wednesday 22 March 2006 01:00, Jorg Heymans wrote:
> Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> >> What is being suggested is not that we mirror the whole of ibiblio, we
> >> would only mirror the libraries that are currently hosted on cvs.a.o.
> >
> > ... You can point your pom to use the cvs.a.o directly.
> What do you mean here?

You said; "libraries that are currently hosted on cvs.a.o", meaning they exist 
on cvs.a.o, and can't you just tell Maven in your pom to use that repository 
as well??

Join the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing for discussion and more info. IIUIC, the
http://cvs.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository is meant for making snapshots 
available cross-ASF projects.

I still maintain that checking in the libs to SVN are much more comfortable 
than a dependency on a temporary server.


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