Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> Sylvain Wallez wrote:

>> Hmm... the current CLI uses Cocoon's links view to crawl the website. So
>> although the new crawler can be based on servlets, it will assume these
>> servlets to answer to a ?cocoon-view=links :-)
> Hmm, I think we don't need the links view in this case anymore. A simple
>  HTML crawler should be enough as it will follow all links on the page.
> The view would only make sense in the case where you don't output html
> where the usual crawler tools would not work.

In the case of Forrest, you're probably right. Now the links view also
allows to follow links in pipelines producing something that's not HTML,
such as PDF, SVG, WML, etc.

We have to decide if we want to loose this feature.


Sylvain Wallez
Apache Software Foundation Member

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