Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>> For now just go through the port directly using
> Unfortunately, our security policy does not allow to reach ports other
> than 80...

yes that's annoying. I'ld like to get this RewriteRule fixed sooner
rather than later but i'm no apache configuration expert by any means. I
might have some time to look at this later this week, if other ppl know
more about mod_rewrite pls holler.

> Btw, is it possible to force a complete rebuild of all blocks/modules?
> Some blocks fail because of the version number changes (at least I hope
> that that is the reason).

There is a rebuild all on the bottom of the page, though by the looks of
it the version number change is not what causing some of the blocks to
fail. I suspect they are failing because of the failing dependency on
cocoon-core-tests.jar, which in turn has something to do with the fact
that we're deploying snapshots to a repository we're depending on, which
in turn seems to confuse maven.

Note: i've just checked in a change which should reduce our connection
problems with cvs.a.o during build. We'll see how it works out for
everyone (it worked fairly well for my local build).


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