mmh, ok i didn't understood all the differences for what a OSGi-based cocoon is useful yet. But i think it would be a pity not to call it cocoon. In the end is there only the OSGi-based version of cocoon? Or are there two different versions? In the first case cocoon 3 sounds reasonable, and all 2.x versions are more or less maintenance-releases which could be released also after a 3.0 version. In the latter case a new name would be better. cocoon 1 and cocoon 2 are two quite different things too, but both called cocoon. I use cocoon since years in the meanwhile and i loved it from all the beginning. I'am one of the guys who is writing more xml than java.


Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
<hat type="neutral" mode="on">
Since the GT in Amsterdam, when Daniel used "Cocoon 3.0" for his proposal of an
OSGi based Cocoon, we have been talking about Cocoon 3.0 in different ways. For example in the meantime Sylvain used "Cocoon 3.0" as the subject of the discussion that he started in December.

While working with Daniel in April we used "Cocoon 3.0" as a name for our
vision of an OSGi-based Cocoon. The point is that the vision has become reality
in the meantime[1] and the number of open tasks (see JIRA is manageable.

What I want is that we agree on a name for OSGi based Cocoon within the
Cocoon community, either "Cocoon 3.0" or a code name. We also have to take into account that trunk might also be released as Cocoon 2.3.

WDOT, should we use "Cocoon 3.0" for OSGi based Cocoon or find a code name and
tag it with a release number when we are close to our first milestone/alpha release?

I don't know if "3.0" is a good "name" or not, but I would really
appreciate it if we try to release a 2.2/2.3 before a 3.0!


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