Torsten Curdt wrote:
>>> With 2.1.x you can develop your application directory from within your
>>> IDE, you don't have to invoke a build script, you don't have to copy
>>> files after you changed them etc.; And you don't have to use different
>>> configurations (like classpaths) for development. "It just works".
> Wait, wait, wait... what? 2.1.x? You change a class and the changes
> are reflected without restarting the servlet engine? ...sorry - but
> that sounds like a fairy tale ;-) Or I must have missed something -
> big time. (That's actually exactly what the classpath element
> provided)
Sure. Depends on your changes in the classs of course. But even just
Jetty from within Eclipse is going very fast and I don't have to specify
some classpath in a sitemap which I might have to remove for production
later on etc.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

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