Reinhard Poetz wrote:

>> I
>> haven't looked at your deployer tool and I only briefly looked at the
>> maven war plugin some time ago, but couldn't we just extend the plugin
>> (like you do) and move the jar files from WEB-INF/lib to "whatever
>> directory we want" after the original code is finished building the
>> webapp. So this would be a simple post processor.
> hmmm, that would be easy but I'm not sure if we should really do this. If the 
> ParanoidClassloader is not used, the developer has to take care that he 
> configures the cocoon-deployer-plugin correctly too.
Yes, true. What about extending the deployer (or creating another
plugin) which by default rewrites the web.xml and adds all required
wrappers (paranoid servlet etc.) and also moves the jars to a different
directory? With a plugin-configuration this can be turned off.
(We don't need this for b1)


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

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