Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> I think we should remove the concept of sitemap configurable components
> from 2.2 completly.
> Today, it is possible that a component implements the
> SitemapConfigurable interface and then one can additionally configure
> this component on a per sitemap base in the map:component-configurations
> section of the sitemap.
> Now this concept is a little bit questionable (ok, it was me who
> introduced it...) and with 2.2 we have the per sitemap configurations
> which make a much cleaner configuration (and therefore implementation).
> Only two components are currently using this interface: the global input
> module (not directly) and the authentication manager from the auth-fw. I
> think it's no problem if the configuration of the auth-fw-manager is
> moved into a xconf file and then included from the sitemap. For the
> global input module we now have a much better solution: you can
> configure properties on a per sitemap base (in external files) and the
> new settings input module is able to access these values. The benefit of
> this is that this mechanism also values the running mode, so you can
> have different sets of property files (depending on your running mode -
> prod, test whatever).
> So imho the changes to users are minimal and we completly introduce our
> new configuration concepts and removing the sitemap configurable removes
> some ugly code as well..
Ok, it seems that noone is interested in this old feature anyway. If
noone objects I'll
remove it next week.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

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