Running mode is not. I brought back the property stuff to 2.1, although I'm not sure it is exactly the same as in 2.2. I had to implement it in a different place as the core has changed. Also, there are a lot of pre-defined properties in 2.1. I don't know if Carsten has done that in 2.2 and if he has then the variable names probably aren't the same.


Antonio Gallardo wrote:

This stuff is already available in 2.1, right?

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

Carsten Ziegeler escribió:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

It was in some readme in the root directory; I guess it moved to
somewhere else during the great refactoring?
hmm, can't find it in :-(

It was in install.txt: here is the text I orginally committed - but I
think others changed the text afterwards:

Choosing the running mode
Cocoon comes with a smart configuration mechanism based on "running
modes". The
configuration of Cocoon is based on XML files for the various components. To customize these configuration files you can define properties to which you
can refer to from within the configuration files.
You can define as many property files and define your own properties as
you want.
Store them in the WEB-INF/properties directory and Cocoon will read all of
them on start up. You can then refer to the values of the properties by
using the common ${PROPERTY_NAME} syntax in your configuration file.
In addition Cocoon supports running modes. You define a running mode when you start Cocoon (default is "dev"). Now this name of the running mode is used to read additional property files on startup. Cocoon reads first all
property files from "WEB-INF/properties" and then from
"WEB-INF/properties/${RUNNING_MODE}". For example if you have different
database connections during development and in production, just put
a properties file containing the connection information for development
in the "WEB-INF/properties/dev" directory and put another property file
with the production settings in "WEB-INF/properties/prod".
You can easily switch the running mode by setting the system property
"org.apache.cocoon.mode" on startup of Cocoon ,for example:
Note, that "dev" and "prod" are not predefined. So you can create a
"myenv" directory underneath the properties directory and set the
running mode to "myenv" etc.

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