
This is slightly OT, but I guess others have had the same concern so
why not try ;-)

I've got several instances of Cocoon running behind a common httpd
server via virtual hosts and mod_proxy.

I'd like to make sure that no more than N simultaneous requests hit
each of these Cocoon instances, to avoid the case where one instance
gobbles up all the available connections.

Ideally, requests over N should get a "500 - server too busy"
responses, and they wouldn't hit the backend Cocoon instances. The
MaxClients directive doesn't work for this IIUC, it's only usable at
the global level.

Has anyone got experiences to share? It looks like mod_tsunami would
help, but we're running httpd 2.0.49, upgrading to 2.2.x soon, and
it's for 1.3.x only.


[1] http://bertrand.demiddelaer.org/mod_tsunami/

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