Leszek Gawron escribió:
If user wants to make JXTG automatically cacheable he/she must explicitly state it in configuration:

<map:generator src="org.apache.cocoon.template.JXTemplateGenerator">
Hi Leszek,

Sorry to join the party too late. I have been busy the last months, but I am still alive. :-)

I am just reading this mails and i will said: "Please forget the following comment if you already discussed it":

It is fine to have a single place to define the jx caching behavior on how it is going to generate the cache key. We also need to take into account that in some cases the user may want a more fine grained solution. Suppose the user wants (for some reason) to turn on jx caching and avoid jx caching in few pipelines or the opposite: The user does not want jx caching at all except in some few pipelines where he wants to have jx cache working.

Given the above need we might use the standard parameter at the pipeline level to overwrite default pipeline caching:

<map:generate src="myTemplate.jx" type="jx"/>
 <map:parameter name="use-automatic-cache-key" value="true|false"/>

Or somehow to overwrite the default configuration when we call the generator.

Makes sense?

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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