Steven said:

> What those 
> Belgian guys however (in)frequently murmured amongst 
> themselves was: why the stupid fixation with SVN as a 
> required content repository for official ASF documentation 
> sites? 

I can see the benefits of having all content (replicated) in SVN. But in 
principle, yes, there's too much 'stupid fixation' going on anyway.

> You 
> should have been there when I decided not to wait for Java 
> hosting @ ASF, simply rented a server, and installed JSPWiki 
> under the domain. 

Well, as you know, I was kind of there. And I think you did Cocoon a really big 
favour by doing it in that way. In your stubbornness, you have definitely 
leveraged the Cocoon community in many ways.

I don't want JSPWiki back, either, but there are structural errors in the way 
the Wiki is organized nowadays.

I would like to see some sort of integration between the Wiki and the 
'official' website in such a way that they have an accelerating effect on each 
other. There's (almost BY DEFINITION) too much redundancy and conflicting 
information in both sites. They've been pulling eachother down for a long time.

A differentiation between "an official Apache website" and "a community driven 
website" sounds so paradoxal to me. The 'community driven websites' have helped 
Cocoon move forward, the 'official' one is the one currently killing it.

> While I agree with your sentiments, I can only say that 
> things have grown organically into what they are now. It's 
> what "the community" wanted.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not blaming anyone.

The community has changed a lot over time, and Cocoon has grown mature. With 
that, it's clear that some of the original pioneering work is gone, and the 
focus might better shift to end-users instead of (Apache) developers that 
instinctively know their way around in the ASF information clutter.

> A few weeks ago, I was talking with Jeff Turner, with him 
> suggesting that it would be better to suggest Daisy instead 
> of Confluence for incubating ASF projects who are looking for 
> a website management tool.

Of course, you would understand that I would not take any position regarding 
Daisy. :)

But whatever it is we need to get things going again, I'm all for it. 

The Cocoon community has always been really strong, but it's too much 
centralized on the mailinglists right now. The outside visibility is therefor 
completely nonexistant.
Maybe the discussion is (again?) not about what's going wrong with the Cocoon 
community, but what's going wrong with what the ASF allows us to do. I don't 
know about the real bounderies there, so please tell me.

- Can we have a Wiki integrated with the Cocoon website? 
- As such, can we have both in 1 content repository so we can effectively move 
interesting Wiki pages into the documentation?
- Can we display a feed of current activitiy on the mailinglists? Can we 
display "the 10 latest messages on the user/dev list" right on the homepage?
- Can we have a forum? (Ok, I guess we can't, but maybe there's a way to 
display the mailinglists in a forum-style way? It's just the visibility I'm 
talking about)
- Can we add blogposts (from committers) to the Cocoon website?
- Are we tied to any ASF rules for structure or design of our website?
- Can we have 'subsites' hosted below the official Cocoon website? Aka, the 
CocoonGT website?

Just some thoughts..



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