Rice Yeh skrev:
In studying the document http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon-data/attachments/GT2006Notes/attachments/12-CocoonBlocks.pdf <http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon-data/attachments/GT2006Notes/attachments/12-CocoonBlocks.pdf>, I like to have a real feeling of it. So I try the cocoon-blocks-fw-sample block, but got no good luck. Can anyone give me some information on doing this?
One way is to build the trunk an point your webcontainer to cocoon-dist-samples. It contains all the blocks, including the blocks fw samples. I haven't tested this approach for a while, so I don't know how well it works.

Otherwise you can extend the cocoon-webapp pom with a dependency on the blocks fw sample:


and rebuild the cocoon-webapp and start jetty:

 $ mvn package
 $ mvn jetty:run

then you point your browser to


and the other examples in the block fw samples. The URI above is handled by some different parts of the system. The servlet context:


is handled by the DispatcherServlet and configured in the web.xml http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/trunk/core/cocoon-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml. Then the block servlets are Spring managed components that are configured in the blocks, http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/trunk/core/cocoon-blocks-fw/cocoon-blocks-fw-sample/src/main/resources/META-INF/cocoon/spring/cocoon-blocks-fw-sample-blockServlet1.xml, etc. Each block servlet definition defines a mount path e.g.


Then at last the servlet that is embedded in the the block servlet (e.g. the sitemap servlet) gets the remaining part of the uri as path info:


Which will be handled by the sitemap in the directory that the block context url points to (using the blockcontext source that I descriobided in a mail a few days ago), http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/trunk/core/cocoon-blocks-fw/cocoon-blocks-fw-sample/src/main/resources/COB-INF/test1/sitemap.xmap.



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