Alexander Klimetschek skrev:
Daniel Fagerstrom schrieb:
blockcontext:/blockname/ - resolves to a file source that contain the COB-INF directory of the block.

What is the blockname? I tried the name of the directory (like previously in /blocks/my-block/ => my-block), a name="my-block" in the bean and the id of the bean as blockname, but all did not work.


If the block is packaged as a jar at the classpath you need to set the manifest entry Cocoon-Block-Name to the block name, see e.g. If the block is unpacked in the class path (using the file: protocol) it will use a part of the path as block name. This is done with a questionable hack in the o.a.c.core.deployment.DeployerUtil: the path part before "/target/classes/COB-INF" is used as the block name.


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