Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
> Reinhard Poetz wrote:
>> I think it's time to release the next milestone of some of our modules:
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon                    (pom)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-core-modules       (pom)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-core               (jar)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-blocks-modules     (pom)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-template           (pom)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-flowscript         (pom)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-template-impl      (jar)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-flowscript-impl    (jar)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-blocks-fw          (pom)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-blocks-fw-impl     (jar)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-tools-modules      (pom)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-archetypes         (pom)
>>  - org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-22-archetype-block (archetype jar)
>> That's the minimal set of artifacts to do something useful with Cocoon 
>> and to follow the getting started guide. I know that we should release 
>> some more blocks (forms, fop, apples, etc.) and the archetype-webapp 
>> artifact, but they need some more polishing.
>> I propose that we change the release procedure this time:
>> The person who performs the release, releases the artifacts into our 
>> staging repository. Then he calls for a vote, open for 72 hours. If the 
>> vote passes, the artifacts are moved to the official Apache sync 
>> directory on The last step is asking on 
>> to sync with the Maven central repo.
>> Is the list of artifacts and the outlined release procedure okay for 
>> everybody? If yes, I can do the relase on Thuesday, starting in the 
>> afternoon (MET).
+1 for the procedure, +1 for you to go ahead :)
I personally would like to see a release of the ajax and forms stuff as
well; so including those modules would be great... :)

> Unfortunatly we have one showstopper: the dependency of cocoon-core on 
> commons-jci. The problem is that there is no release available and we can't 
> release something if it has a dependency on a snapshot releases.
> For the time being I only see two options:
>   a) we get a release of commons-jci within the next few days, or
>   b) comment dependencies on this library for now
> As I know about the current workload of Torsten, I don't think that we will 
> get 
> a release very soon. So I guess that only option b) remains. Or is somebody 
> of 
> us willing to support commons-jci to get a release out of the door?
Let's comment this stuff out, I think we should move this into a
separate module anyway and keep the core as small as possible.

Carsten Ziegeler - Chief Architect

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