Recapitulating this thread:

1) The lightweight StripNameSpaceTransformer is an option to strip intermediate 
namespaces you want to get rid of (like after sql transformer, I would like to 
get rid of them as fast as possible). Add this to trunk/branch or not?

2) The XHTML serializer: Make it by default strip the list of namespaces we 
know people don't want to sent to the browser. Configurable: added namespaces 
to be stripped.

About serializers: Does anybody know why we have a serialization part in cocoon 
core and one in a serializers block? Is it preferred to use serializers from 
the serializers block? Normally, I am using 
org.apache.cocoon.serialization.HTMLSerializer and configure doctype-public. 


> Mark Lundquist wrote:
> >
> > Is there ever a need to retain namespace declarations for namespaces
> > that are not actually used in the result document, i.e. for which
> > there is no element with that namespace?  I think the idea 
> is to just
> > delete extraneous namespace declarations, not to delete them all...
> Yep, the problem with this approach is that you manage to know if a
> namespace declaration has been used only when you reach the end of the
> document (after checking that no element used it), while the 
> declaration
> is quite commonly on the root element. Buffering all the SAX event for
> each html page served by cocoon would be a problem :)
> What i was proposing would be simply to enable it by default (already
> too many options in cocoon, and if a page containing a i18n namespace
> declaration is not visualized by IE, by default cocoon should not send
> it), but limit it's influence on a set of namespaces (all namespaces
> for example) and eventually have this set
> configurable by the user so that there will be no need in the 
> future for
> remove-that-certain-unwanted-ns.xsl files :D
> Simone

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