
now we are talking about httpd mod_cache already, is there any best practice to 
have cforms in urls you do not know on beforehand, with continuations? For 
high-traffic sites, we obviously want to use mod_cache, but, at the same time, 
mod_cache shouldn't cache pages with a continuation in it. Since we don't know 
which urls these are, we cannot configure some urls(parts) in mod_cache not to 
cache. To make it even more complex, a continuation should always return to the 
same cocoon instance in a balanced environment. 

Is there a common best practice on this? You can not just say in the cforms 
part matcher, to set headers, because you must set the headers the "main" 
matcher, from which the serializer is used. The only (poor) solution I could 
come up with, is a SAX transformer that looks for an action that end with 
".continue", or een input with a name="continuation-id". If it finds one, 


are set, and if the cookie map of the request is empty for sessionhost, I add a 
cookie to the response, to enable sticky session for a load balanced 

Well, clearly, since I assume things like action ending with ".continue" or an 
input element with some name, I made some assumptions (of course, could make it 
configurable). I choose this solutions, because third parties are implementing 
projects as well, and I do not want them to have to think about headers and 
sticky sessions. 

In short, did other people have had this same requirements, and is there some 
best practice known?

Regards Ard

> On 1/28/07, Fuad Efendi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Following to
> > http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/ControllingModCache
> >
> > I found this class:  org.apache.cocoon.acting.HttpCacheAction (dated
> > 2004-07-29)
> >
> > Unfortunately, this action can't reply with 304 on request 
> with HTTP Header
> > [If-Modified-Since: ......]....
> The idea is that the httpd front-end would handle that case: if a page
> has been cached by the httpd front-end, conditional GETs will not hit
> Cocoon until the httpd cache expires.
> So yes, you could say that there's no caching between httpd and Cocoon
> in this case. But this doesn't prevent you from using Cocoon's
> internal caches in pipelines, if you need to.
> -Bertrand

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