Fuad Efendi schrieb:
API Docs are probably with typo:
 * <map:generate

public final class URLDecodeModule extends AbstractInputModule
                                   implements ThreadSafe {

{url-decode:...}? instead of url-encode?

Depends on what you are doing. The example above (http://remote/page?param1={url-encode:{request-param:param1}}) makes a http call from inside Cocoon and uses a parameter of the original request "{request-param:param1}". This request parameter is already decoded, depending on the standard encoding of the servlet container and Cocoon's encoding settings:


(Default value is actually ISO-8859-1, for more information see [1])

For the new request those have to be re-encoded again, that's why there is 
"{url-encode:....}" in the example.

If you don't get correctly decoded request parameters, try to set those 
encoding properties, the mentioned wiki page should help).


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/RequestParameterEncoding

Alexander Klimetschek

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