Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Tuesday 06 February 2007 00:22, Peter Hunsberger wrote:

Very nice.  I'm with the camp that would like to see it shrink a
little, not much but just a little.  Also, I still find it a little on
the pastel side, I'd like to see a version with bolder colors.

And I realize that asking developers for opinion on style and good taste is like asking sheep farmers to comment on Versace's latest designs; They are in the supply chain, but hardly the target audience... ;o)


Perhaps widening the audience to the user's lists is a good move.

Fine for me.

But before contininuing with further discusions we should clarify how we come to a final decision?
My proposal: Everybody can share his thoughts/ideas about the design
but the final decision is made by Thien and Helma.
Is this okay for everybody?

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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