Ok. In the trunk version of Spring framework, one can also use ordinary Java (interface based) proxies, so I guess it is better to wait with this functionality until the next minor version of Spring is released. I turned it off in our trunk.

In Cocoon we use a call stack for handling some environment data (like the current sitemap and servlet context, request and response). There is such a call stack both in Cocoon core and in the servlet service framework. These call stacks are currently used through calling static functions - EnvironmentHelper.getCurrentEnvironment() in core and CallStack.getCurrentFrame() in the servlet service fw. The drawback with this is that it is much harder to reuse components that depend on static calls outside Cocoon. It is also harder to follow the code and to do unit testing.

What I work on now is to create a custom "call scope" for Spring (see http://static.springframework.org/spring/docs/2.0.x/reference/beans.html#beans-factory-scopes) that makes it possible to mark beans as having call scope. These beans are like ordinary beans and can be dependency injected, but internally they use the current call stack. The scoped proxy make sure that a user always gets the current value of the bean.

If it works well we could use a the same stack for both th sitemap and for the servlet services and replace all the static calls in the code with ordinary dependency injection.

I'll continue to develop the stuff but it seem like we need to wait for the next Spring release before we can turn it on in Cocoon.


Rice Yeh skrev:
No. But I think this is a bug in the method setBeanFactory(..) of class org.springframework.aop.scope.ScopedProxyFactoryBean in springframeowrk 2.0.2. In the last line of this method, it is
 this.proxy = pf.getProxy();
,where getProxy() is not passed a classloader. In the latest CVS version, the last line of the same method is this.proxy = pf.getProxy(cbf.getBeanClassLoader());
, where classloader is passed.


On 2/6/07, *Daniel Fagerstrom* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Any suggestion about what to do about it?


    Rice Yeh skrev:
    > I do have cglib-2.1_3.jar  in the WEB/lib directory. By tracing the
    > code, I find the classloader used in Enhancer is the classloder of
    > javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, which is an instance of
    > org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader . RealmClassLoader
    just include
    > class path used in jetty, not include path in WEB/lib. Hence, an
    > exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
    > /ScopedObject is thrown.
    > Rice
    > On 2/6/07, *Daniel Fagerstrom* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
    >     It looks like you are lacking the cglib. It is (since yesterday)
    >     part of
    >     the dependencies for cocoon-servlet-service-impl. It should be
    >     included
    >     in your cocoon-webapp dependencies by transitive dependency
    >     handling. It
    >     works for me. It might be that you need to clean and rebuild
    >     cocoon-webapp or something.
    >     /Daniel
    >     Rice Yeh skrev:
    >     > Hi,
    >     >   Running the latest code from trunk, I get an error as
    the title
    >     > described.
    >     > The following is the exception stack:
    >     >
    >     > Caused by:
    >     > Error creati
    >     > ng bean with name ' javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
    >     /callstack':
    >     > Initializat
    >     > ion of bean failed; nested exception is
    >     > org.springframework.aop.framework.AopCon
    >     > figException: Couldn't generate CGLIB subclass of class
    >     > javax.servlet
    >     > .http.HttpServletRequest]: Common causes of this problem
    >     using
    >     > a final c
    >     > lass or a non-visible class; nested exception is
    >     > net.sf.cglib.core.CodeGeneratio
    >     > nException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException--
    >     >
    >     ...

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