
after some discussion back and forth with Thien we've decided on the next version:

- the masthead is adjusted to improve the display of the search box and the apache feather when resizing.
- the green blocks are better at the center than on the side.
- we've added a prominent download block with the latest Cocoon version.
- the page curl is gone. ;-)
- the navbar below the masthead now has a "home" icon that would go to the home page of the PMC site, while the "Cocoon Core 2.2" would go to the home page of the current block.
- we've added older versions at the bottom of the menu
- a flag is added for the French version (now that I think of it, that would only be applicable for the PMC site)
- the color of the note at the bottom is changed

Note that when resizing to 800x600 the "News" section will creep up in the space between the blocks and the "About" box on the right. It might not be elegant, but it's better than the alternative of variable width blocks.

We've discussed the possibility of changing the design of the Cocoon 2.1 website to this new design and most of you decided against it. Fine by me, but I think the PMC site should be definitely changed to this new design.

All in all I think this design looks very good.

If you agree, I would like to go on and ask Thien for further restyling of elements we're currently missing such as tables, code snippets, images + captions and warnings. Please add other elements if I forgot some.

Bye, Helma

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