Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
The build runs through again, at least for me. I tested with an empty local repository. Could others please verify?

Consistently fails with

Strange :-(

Can you run the tests from within your IDE and find out what exactly is failing?

Well it fails from maven so I'd rather give you test output generated by maven. It is, by the way, can be found in /cocoon/blocks/cocoon-portal/cocoon-portal-impl/target/surefire-reports.


When I ran the tests the last time, they run through but this was before Carsten has started with his refactorings of the portal-impl block.

I guess that he will clean up the tests too after he has finished his work.

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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