> > Hi,   I'm trying to implement a file upload/download feature in my
> > application using Cocoon. I've tried searching for revelant 
> > information on this but I can't seem to find anything decent. Any 
> > pointers would be appreciated.
> >
> > WC
> Hi WC,
> Yeah, this is more of a question for users@cocoon.apache.org, 
> rather than the devs list.  Anyway, have you looked at the 
> file upload example in the Forms block sample from the Cocoon 
> distribution?
> For downloading, often you just want to set the mime type 
> and/or content disposition headers in the HTTP response, as a 
> hint to the browser to download the file (or present a 
> download vs. open dialog) instead of displaying the file 
> inline.  If you have any trouble figuring that out, please 
> post on the users' list and somebody will help you out :-)
> cheers,
> -ml-

Try this page:


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