Sylvain Wallez napisaƂ(a):
Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

The "IE gives me shudders" feeling is partly one of the reasons for Ajax
toolkits to exist. This unfortunately doesn't solve everything, but
helps a lot!

This only partly address my doubts. I really ask about the prospects for AJAX. If I'm going to invest my time in learning AJAX toolkits I would like to be sure that they are capable to do much more than flashy examples. What's questionable for me if AJAX can become _platform_ for building Rich Client Applications as we already would like to use it for building such. I agree that REST is great because it's more standard way of doing things (HTTP-compliant) and in theory would both reduce server's load and improve user's experience. I also can see that this reduces a complexity a little bit because it's more client-server architecture and no viewer-(server+view producer) as it's now. However, what I'm trying to say is that reduced complexity on server's side does not only come from building REST-style applications but also from moving some significant part of whole complexity from the server to client. Now it becomes clear that we need tools and execution platform on the client side. What we have now is only bunch of quite compatible and standard-compliant browser's and IE. There are toolkits that try to improve the situation but they still need to be run on IE and I fear that we are going to hit their limits in near future. I would like to see strong arguments that my doubts are just unjustified...

Said that, I would like to stress that I do not stop anyone from taking this approach and even I would be happy to help make Forms more REST-like. What I wouldn't like to see is a Forms client app that we are going to support. Haunting for IE bugs is not fun for me and I think we could hardly find folks that I are enthusiastic about it either.

Maybe I'm just ignorant but... is there any multi threading capability
on browser side? Is it only me experiencing Firefox freezing while dojo
toolkit is being loaded?

No, JavaScript is not multi-threaded, and although there are discussions
IIRC to introduce it in JavaScript 2.0, we won't be able to rely on it
on our browsers for many years.

I'm really sad and even more doubtful hearing that :/

The freezing you experience is that because you're using an uncompressed
Dojo, and every dojo.require() potentially does a _synchronous_
XmlHttpRequest, hence freezing the browser. The solution, that has to be
used for any production deployment, is to use Dojo's compressor to group
all JS files used by an application into a single compressed one. No
more freezing in that case.

I recall some discussion about it in the past. Does it mean that even we integrate Dojo into cocoon-forms very nicely user will be forced to break all the modularity and use the compressor? Am I missing something?

Grzegorz Kossakowski

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