Alexander Klimetschek wrote:
Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
After thinking more about this, I believe that one main distinction is that cocoon-rcl creates an environment which is used at development time. Alex' solution is used in production too, IIUC.

It's actually not that important to have reloading for the shielded servlets, as they are external libraries that are not modified (at least for us).


I would prefer that the ShieldingServlet stuff was implemented as an interceptor and moved into a separate module. Doing so doesn't interfer with our ambitions to use OSGi for further support of modularization in the future.

Regarding OSGI: the concept is ok and the main feature is having full automatic reloading of components/plugins. But the funny thing is that Eclipse as the major OSGI platform does not feature a plugin reloading during runtime... IMHO I am skeptical about such a spec that does not work in the end. Just my 2 cents...

OSGi supports loading and unloading of services at runtime. What the Eclipse IDE does is something different, although it supports the (un)installing of plugins at runtime too.

But still I would like to see the ShieldingServlet stuff in a separate module please.

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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